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How to Design, Cut, Sand, Clamp, Glue, And Finish Regular and odd Shaped Small Projects by Ted Baldwin
Saturday 22 April 2017, 08:00am - 10:00am
Hits : 3549
Contact Rob Austin

A lot of woodworkers, [ Experienced and beginners ], never make or attempt to make small projects. The reason might be, They don't know how to or in the past, they have had problems with the following:

[1] Designing small projects?

[2] Safely cutting those small parts for those projects?

[3] Clamping and gluing regular and odd shaped small projects?

[4] Applying a finish, to those small projects?

  At the Gwinnett Woodworkers Association meeting on April 22, 2017, Ted will show you some ways he solved those problems.   Bring your questions. Ted will attempt to answer them. Others in the group might also be able to add some of the ways they solved these problems.

Location Peachtree Woodworking & Supply