Monday 25 September 2023, 08:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 1114
Contact Rob Austin
(This is a Summary from Saturday's meeting)
On Saturday, September 23rd, we held the meeting that was planned. Our
intent was, and is, to establish the club in a more active fashion than what
we have had since we were sidelined by the COVID pandemic.
We had demonstrations on the Beads of Courage effort Glen & Rob, the
Canes for Heroes project (Buzz), cutting a bowl on the scroll saw (Lindsay),
and the Ring Master for cutting bowls from a board (Hans).
We also discussed with all of the attendees what the future of the club will
be. A lot of discussion, ideas and suggestions resulted from the discussion.
We needed a commitment that if we held Saturday classes/demos people
would do their best to attend. Everyone present agreed they would attend
as best they can.
We also asked for folks to be presenters at a meeting. We did receive some
commitment from a few members.
And finally, we discussed editing videos to be uploaded to YouTube which is
a huge source of revenue for the club.
So, in conclusion, it was decided that we would start with one meeting a
month. The meeting is to be held at Rob’s shop on the third Saturday of the
month. We will begin at 9:00AM with an end time target of 11:00AM.
Rob’s address is in the header of this missive.
An announcement with more detail for the October 21st meeting will be
published as details are developed.
We look forward to seeing you all on October 21st.
The Gwinnett Woodworkers Association Board.
Location Rob's Daycare for Adults