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Events Calendar

GWA Elections
Saturday 14 November 2020, 09:00am - 11:00am
Hits : 1252
We will be having GWA elections via Zoom on Nov 14th. at 09:00 AM. Our election meetings have always been short so I would expect this will be the same.We asked earlier in the year if each board members wanted to carry on until next year. Each agreed to continue serving unless another member steps forward.
After the election we will have our "overdue" board meeting at my shop. Since it seems this shut down is going to drag out for some time, we need to talk about how to hold the club together. We have had a few really good Zoom meetings but we are very inconsistent. I need ideas for classes that people could hold in their shops that we could zoom to our members. The board meetings are frequently wide ranging and therefore lengthy so Rob will be providing food for those present. The zoom session will remain open for members that want to participate remotely. Feedback and helpful responses are appreciated.

This zoom class will be presented from Rob’s Adult Day Care.

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Password:    GWA2020