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Events Calendar

Community Service Tuesday - Beads Of Courage 7/2
Tuesday 02 July 2024, 09:00am
Hits : 648

It's "Community Service Tuesday!"

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And this Tuesday is "Beads of Courage" day.
Each BOC day, between 9:00AM  & 4:00 PM at Rob Austin's "Day Care Center For Adults", come and leave when you want/need to.

This community service project is part of a nation wide effort to benefit the children that have been afflicted with catastrophic illnesses.
At participating hospitals, every tme a child endures a treatment to help treat their disease, they are awarded a bead.
On BOC days club members and non-club members gather to construct segmented turned bowls and boxes for the children to keep their beads. 

Why not join us on a BOC Tuesday? There is a job for everyone. There are a lot of tools used in the process. 

Our main effort has been to create segments to turn into bowls. We plane and cut the wood into segments. We glue the segments together into rings. We stack and glue the rings and then place a plain piece of wood on the top and botom. Some folks will turn a bowl at the Daycare. It is a lot of fun. No pressure. And once again, you will leave knowing you have done something good for a child.

Join the crew. Your face belongs here.
Most times Rob even provides lunch.
To RSVP to Rob for lunch/worker headcount and verification of schedule, press the link below. 
A preformatted e-mail will appear. All you need to do then, is press the send icon.

I'll be there.

Rob Austin (
1157 Fountain Glen Ct.
Lawrenceville, GA.
(770) 286-9797(c)

No zoom at these meetings.