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Friday, 09 April 2010 16:14

GWA Woodturners

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April 09, 2010

GWA Turners:

Mark Sillay doing what he enjoys most, teaching turning fascinated all who attended our meeting last evening. His enthusiasm catches everyone and he constantly asks questions throughout the evening, however without embarrassing anyone he follows with his own quick answer. Everyone always learns something from Mark's demos and we certainly did.

Mark started with a simulated top of an Urn type vessel showing how he turns it,finishes it with CA glue, Sharpie and Shoe polish. Very interesting. He then went on to make a "collar" to top the vessel and finished the evening with a finial that really shows what practice and his special grind tools can do.

Mark we all thank you and look forward to your "shop Tour" tomorrow Saturday April 10th.

Butch Davis - Chairman GWA turners.

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